‘Treeless Plain #1, #2, #3’

’30 Days of Winter’, Day 8 and Day 9

‘Treeless Plain #1, #2 and #3’

This is a series of three “pho-aintings” based on images from the Nullarbor Plain, in the Australian Outback/desert.

What is a “pho-ainting”? It is my newly-invented word for works that I have done which are based on printed photographs. These prints are then fixed to a board, or other surface, and then painted and otherwise worked-up, often coated in resin or lacquer to create the final product.

This particular series has three images, all A1 size (841 mm x 594 mm) and feature three depictions of the Nullarbor Plain.

These aren’t quite finished yet, but required a fair bit of work today and thus this work covers Day 8 and 9 of ’30 Days of Winter’!

This is number 1.

This is number 2

This is number 3

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